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Showing posts with label Politics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Politics. Show all posts
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
MicroFinancing for Americans
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1:08 PM
Political Messages,
Senior Citizens,

Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Social Security
Here I go again. Pardon me why I let out some anger with Social Security.
It is unfathomable to me why it is necessary for a U.S. citizen to be refused benefits based on something as stupid as a passport not being accepted as proof of citizenship. Of course, this only exacerbates the dealings I, personally, have had with Social Security.
For some reason, after working and paying into the system since 1974 (33 years), with four out of four doctors stating I am unable to work, I have now been denied my benefits twice and have to wait 18 to 24 months for an Administrative Law Judge to review my case.
Neither my Senators or Congressmen have been able to cut through any of this "red tape" and I am beginning to believe this form of 'benign neglect' is deliberate. After all, if they put me off long enough, I will be homeless and then they will not have to pay me the benefits I worked so hard for from the system I have paid into.
None of the government seems willing to acknowledge this beauracratic nightmare and I am certain a large part of that is their knowledge that it does not affect them since they are 'guarenteed' they personally will receive their own payouts.
I am tired of fighting Social Security for what is rightfully and legally mine. Still, I am persistent and will not go quietly into the night. I continue to take every avenue I can to obtain what I should already be receiving.
The overwhelming amount of documentation I have already presented shows that, according to Social Security's own website, I qualify under at least three of the automatic qualifications for my disability.
Still, I continue to be stonewalled with unreturned calls from this agency. Additionally, the impotence of my government representatives to take any action other than sending me form letters or autobot responses to my emails is to me a very eye opening experience and will affect the way I cast my vote(s) for such in the future.
I hope others have had better luck but it seems being a college educated white man is a disadvantage in these situations.
It is unfathomable to me why it is necessary for a U.S. citizen to be refused benefits based on something as stupid as a passport not being accepted as proof of citizenship. Of course, this only exacerbates the dealings I, personally, have had with Social Security.
For some reason, after working and paying into the system since 1974 (33 years), with four out of four doctors stating I am unable to work, I have now been denied my benefits twice and have to wait 18 to 24 months for an Administrative Law Judge to review my case.
Neither my Senators or Congressmen have been able to cut through any of this "red tape" and I am beginning to believe this form of 'benign neglect' is deliberate. After all, if they put me off long enough, I will be homeless and then they will not have to pay me the benefits I worked so hard for from the system I have paid into.
None of the government seems willing to acknowledge this beauracratic nightmare and I am certain a large part of that is their knowledge that it does not affect them since they are 'guarenteed' they personally will receive their own payouts.
I am tired of fighting Social Security for what is rightfully and legally mine. Still, I am persistent and will not go quietly into the night. I continue to take every avenue I can to obtain what I should already be receiving.
The overwhelming amount of documentation I have already presented shows that, according to Social Security's own website, I qualify under at least three of the automatic qualifications for my disability.
Still, I continue to be stonewalled with unreturned calls from this agency. Additionally, the impotence of my government representatives to take any action other than sending me form letters or autobot responses to my emails is to me a very eye opening experience and will affect the way I cast my vote(s) for such in the future.
I hope others have had better luck but it seems being a college educated white man is a disadvantage in these situations.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
A Letter to Our Leaders
A Letter to Our Leaders
© April 23, 2008
Richard O. Harris
I know I stated earlier this year I was going to try to avoid any kind of politics. However, in an election year, and with an increasing frustration I have written a letter to some of our leaders. I thought I would share that letter with all of you so you would also know what I am saying even though I am not seeking any office.
I would also like to inform you of a website that you may or may not want to be aware of: http://www3.capwiz.com/mygov/home/. Here you can view a lot of the political issues on the individual ways your representatives are voting. It has been an eye-opening experience for me on the votes one of the representatives I voted for is behaving.
It may not make much difference but it does help me relieve some frustration to communicate my opinion(s) whether they are ever read or acted upon. My most recent email which I sent to the President, Florida Representatives, the Speaker of the House, and the number one Republican Leader reads as follows:
Dear (Leader),
I know you probably receive too many communications to read much less respond to all of them but I felt compelled to include you in my most recent communication to the President and my State Representatives. Following is my message to them and I hope at least some portion of it does not fall on deaf ears.
It is with mixed expectations that I write wondering if my input will be read or just ignored. Nonetheless, I do believe a "gas tax holiday" is long overdue as well as a reduction in the ''tax breaks'' given to oil companies.
It would, perhaps, be more sensible to provide those "tax breaks" only to oil companies that do not import oil from other countries. This, I believe, would allow a more even playing field and provide some much needed competition among the oil companies importing oil to explore within this country thereby providing jobs to U. S. citizens and reducing the nation's dependence on foreign oil simultaneously.
I would also propose we expand on the use of Geo-thermal energy within this country. My first thought every time I hear of the "long overdue" eruption at Yellowstone National Park is, Why are we not taking advantage of such a huge ''possible'' source of energy which may avoid such a catastrophe?
We have been too reactionary in this country for too long, i.e. Hurricane Katrina. Let us begin to become pro-actionary and take advantage of the natural resources at our disposal instead of waiting for another catastrophe to occur.
My apologies for the lengthiness of this note. I am just so tired of seeing the United States viewed as a 'weakening' and 'dependent' force on the World stage.
Mr. Richard O. Harris
You may or may not agree but rest assured all feedback is welcome either way. Thanks for taking the time to read this and PLEASE vote if you do nothing else this year.
Friday, June 15, 2007
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Illegal Immigrants
May 24, 2007
Richard O. Harris
May 24, 2007
Richard O. Harris
I most likely will come under fire with some of the views I am about to express. Yet, I feel compelled to express them anyway since I do not see certain aspects of this debate being expressed. Let me state very clearly, I in no way condone the pardoning or general amnesty of ANY illegal immigrant – regardless of the circumstances.
With that said, I must admit I view the current proposed legislation as just another farce in a long line of jocular legal mumbo jumbo. As a country with over 400,000 illegal immigrants, it is obvious we cannot enforce our current immigration laws. Therefore, attempting to enforce an even more convoluted system of laws seems arbitrary and destined to fail.
It also seems sad to me that President Reagan managed to negotiate with most of Europe to tear down the Berlin Wall, yet President Bush cannot negotiate with one country to prevent building a fence. Of course, I readily admit I do not know all the details and will be the first to claim Reagan was a better leader for our nation. I will also admit circumstances change over time and with varying situations.
Still, lost in all of this dialogue over illegal immigrants is one of the main ingredients fostering their move to this country. Basic economics tells me there cannot be a supply without a demand. So what is being done to curb the demand for illegal immigrants?
As any traffic cop can tell you, and has told me on occasion, ignorance of the law is no excuse for breaking the law (that is how I got my last speeding ticket). So, those employing illegal immigrants are committing the larger crime in my opinion. I’m sure it saves them a lot of money over time so fines are most likely calculated into the cost of doing business, if caught and if not caught just increase the profit margin.
After all, it is probably much cheaper than paying a U.S. citizen at least minimum wage, abiding by OSHA and other regulatory guidelines, and possibly even having to pay Social Security and other taxes. Using workers who do not have to be treated as U. S. citizens most likely increases the profit margin tremendously even if caught and fined. It would be interesting to see the results of a study on this issue.
It seems odd to me that we hear nothing from either the news media or our elected representatives about the demand part of this eco-system. Would it be reasonable to ask those who employ illegal immigrants to operate for two years and then shut down for a year before applying to operate again? Or could it be these employers are major contributors to the campaign funds of those elected representatives?
As a point of fact, I do not know the answers to these questions either. I simply felt the need to pose them as a counterpoint to what I consider to be “flag waving” doubletalk by both parties. If anyone does know the answer please let me know by clicking on comment, typing in the box, choosing anonymous, and click on publish your comment.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
An "Amoral" American's Point of View
As the partner of a retired officer in the U.S. military it concerns me that someone of General Pace's rank would be so unprofessional and untrained as to publicly air his personal moral values as a guideline for American Military Policy in general. When we begin to allow such power to any one individual we begin to become very similar to those we now call ''terrorists'' who are killing our soldiers (whether homosexual or heterosexual) because they believe our country to be ''amoral''.
It is offensive to see the extremists are winning their war not through any roadside bombs but by simply showing us how our own ''leaders'' believe they have the right to openly attack verbally or otherwise their own people. My partner served in some of the most intense combat zones during his military career and I cannot tell you the depth of emotional strain it caused not knowing if he was involved in some of the most terrible incidents reported via the news media.
Additionally, those of us who have had partners serve honorably in the military continue to support all of our troops regardless of their orientation. Perhaps, most difficult, and I speak firsthand since my partner served over 20 years in some of the most violent areas of combat, is the not knowing when or if we will find out those we love are still alive when disaster strikes and is reported via media services throughout the world. I remember very clearly the fear and apprehension I felt September 11 when the Pentagon was struck and I knew my partner was in that building at that time. I urge you to look within your self and without and ask if you could bear the waiting while watching for the name of the one you love appear on the news, in an obituary, or not at all.
Attempt, if you dare, to imagine you cannot call due to unavailable phone lines, you cannot ask anyone who might be associated with the military for fear of ruining a career that was won through hard work and dedication, and you cannot ask the family without causing them more grief and anguish. With first the President and now General Pace calling myself, my partner, and many other AMERICANS amoral, it would behoove the government to ask itself what is the difference between these leaders and the Shiite and Sunni leaders who use the same remarks to justify killing each other as well as our own soldiers.
Yes, I sent this email to the government and encourage anyone to do the same and share with our leaders your own opinion whether you agree with me or not. All you have to do is use the email address comments@whitehouse.gov
It is offensive to see the extremists are winning their war not through any roadside bombs but by simply showing us how our own ''leaders'' believe they have the right to openly attack verbally or otherwise their own people. My partner served in some of the most intense combat zones during his military career and I cannot tell you the depth of emotional strain it caused not knowing if he was involved in some of the most terrible incidents reported via the news media.
Additionally, those of us who have had partners serve honorably in the military continue to support all of our troops regardless of their orientation. Perhaps, most difficult, and I speak firsthand since my partner served over 20 years in some of the most violent areas of combat, is the not knowing when or if we will find out those we love are still alive when disaster strikes and is reported via media services throughout the world. I remember very clearly the fear and apprehension I felt September 11 when the Pentagon was struck and I knew my partner was in that building at that time. I urge you to look within your self and without and ask if you could bear the waiting while watching for the name of the one you love appear on the news, in an obituary, or not at all.
Attempt, if you dare, to imagine you cannot call due to unavailable phone lines, you cannot ask anyone who might be associated with the military for fear of ruining a career that was won through hard work and dedication, and you cannot ask the family without causing them more grief and anguish. With first the President and now General Pace calling myself, my partner, and many other AMERICANS amoral, it would behoove the government to ask itself what is the difference between these leaders and the Shiite and Sunni leaders who use the same remarks to justify killing each other as well as our own soldiers.
Yes, I sent this email to the government and encourage anyone to do the same and share with our leaders your own opinion whether you agree with me or not. All you have to do is use the email address comments@whitehouse.gov
Thursday, March 8, 2007
When in the course of life’s events it becomes necessary through an honest self-inventory for one person to make amends for the hurts which have disconnected him from others and to admit his own defects of character by which the Laws of God and of God’s grace he has been granted forgiveness, an honest appreciation for the contributions of others demands that he should desire the willingness to repair the differences that have caused him to become separated from those he has harmed.
He knows these experiences to be self-revelatory, that he has not treated all others as equal, that he did not provide them with the opportunity to show him compassion, that among his shortcomings have been intolerance, bigotry, and self-indulgence -- That to pursue their forgiveness, he must depend upon the grace and virtue of those he harmed, acquiring his willingness and ability to perform his amends through his complete surrender to God – That wherever the opportunity to make amends is presented, it is his responsibility to be willing to do so, to be sincere in his efforts, and to avoid doing further harm, holding forth the hope that by initiating such action God will remove these defects of his character so as to prevent any future recurrences of such injuries to others in comparable circumstances and accept the injured party’s right to respond as able to his attempts to make those amends.
Care to avoid further injury, indeed, will dictate his actions to insure his amends are not disguised for purely selfish gain and are not done for superficial reasons; and accordingly all his experience will show that others have been more likely to forgive, when allowed to forgive, than to avenge themselves against him by retaliating for the evil he has done them or those they loved.
However, when he has caused a long train of hurt and injury to others, pursuing only his own profit or pleasure as evidenced by the reduction of their ability to retain affection for him, it is their right to accept or reject any attempt he may make to repair the damage his actions has caused, to repel him from their presence, and to seek stronger, healthier relationships with others for their future safety and sanity. Their patient suffering has been their burden alone and only God’s love with their forgiveness can release them from responding in disbelief to his sincerity.
He, therefore, the person who has done harm, must appeal to the Supreme Judge of the world for the opportunities needed to provide those harmed with alterations to his actions such that they are satisfied that he means them no further injury and has accepted God's will for his life.
That the injured are and of right ought to be free of obligation to him, that they are absolved from acceptance of his advances, and that all future connections, if any, are and ought to be the injured party’s sole preference.
He further acknowledges that injuries others may have done him is not his to rectify and, being reminded of his own shortcomings, that he will remain open to the possibility and/or future attempts by those who have injured him. Not anticipating their amends but praying for their salvation. Such that God may establish within him the same capability for forgiveness and peace which he so desperately seeks.
Thereby, acknowledging these truths as set forth, he admits to his dependence upon others and submits to the Power and Glory of God for mutual redemption of those he has injured and those that may have injured him. Freely acknowledging that he cannot abide alone and that he finds his dependence to be spiritually mutual among those he comes in contact with past, present, and future. And to confirm his belief in this Declaration, with a solid reliance on the immortal love of God, he pledges his life, his future, and his salvation.
To all of those I have harmed, I hereby sign my name as a testament to make such amends to the best of my ability as stated in this My Declaration of Dependence upon all of you and upon God,
Signed this 8th day of March in the year of our Lord 2007 by Richard O. Harris
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