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Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Why not give gift of poetry this holiday?
Take some time to vote on poems written by fellow poets just like you. In turn, your family and friends (and your new poetic pals) can return the favor by rating your poem. It's a great way to share your poetry with the world while giving thanks for your poetic talent!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Social Security

Here I go again. Pardon me why I let out some anger with Social Security.

It is unfathomable to me why it is necessary for a U.S. citizen to be refused benefits based on something as stupid as a passport not being accepted as proof of citizenship. Of course, this only exacerbates the dealings I, personally, have had with Social Security.

For some reason, after working and paying into the system since 1974 (33 years), with four out of four doctors stating I am unable to work, I have now been denied my benefits twice and have to wait 18 to 24 months for an Administrative Law Judge to review my case.

Neither my Senators or Congressmen have been able to cut through any of this "red tape" and I am beginning to believe this form of 'benign neglect' is deliberate. After all, if they put me off long enough, I will be homeless and then they will not have to pay me the benefits I worked so hard for from the system I have paid into.

None of the government seems willing to acknowledge this beauracratic nightmare and I am certain a large part of that is their knowledge that it does not affect them since they are 'guarenteed' they personally will receive their own payouts.

I am tired of fighting Social Security for what is rightfully and legally mine. Still, I am persistent and will not go quietly into the night. I continue to take every avenue I can to obtain what I should already be receiving.

The overwhelming amount of documentation I have already presented shows that, according to Social Security's own website, I qualify under at least three of the automatic qualifications for my disability.

Still, I continue to be stonewalled with unreturned calls from this agency. Additionally, the impotence of my government representatives to take any action other than sending me form letters or autobot responses to my emails is to me a very eye opening experience and will affect the way I cast my vote(s) for such in the future.

I hope others have had better luck but it seems being a college educated white man is a disadvantage in these situations.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

A Letter to Our Leaders

A Letter to Our Leaders
© April 23, 2008
Richard O. Harris

I know I stated earlier this year I was going to try to avoid any kind of politics. However, in an election year, and with an increasing frustration I have written a letter to some of our leaders. I thought I would share that letter with all of you so you would also know what I am saying even though I am not seeking any office.

I would also like to inform you of a website that you may or may not want to be aware of: Here you can view a lot of the political issues on the individual ways your representatives are voting. It has been an eye-opening experience for me on the votes one of the representatives I voted for is behaving.

It may not make much difference but it does help me relieve some frustration to communicate my opinion(s) whether they are ever read or acted upon. My most recent email which I sent to the President, Florida Representatives, the Speaker of the House, and the number one Republican Leader reads as follows:

Dear (Leader),

I know you probably receive too many communications to read much less respond to all of them but I felt compelled to include you in my most recent communication to the President and my State Representatives. Following is my message to them and I hope at least some portion of it does not fall on deaf ears.

It is with mixed expectations that I write wondering if my input will be read or just ignored. Nonetheless, I do believe a "gas tax holiday" is long overdue as well as a reduction in the ''tax breaks'' given to oil companies.

It would, perhaps, be more sensible to provide those "tax breaks" only to oil companies that do not import oil from other countries. This, I believe, would allow a more even playing field and provide some much needed competition among the oil companies importing oil to explore within this country thereby providing jobs to U. S. citizens and reducing the nation's dependence on foreign oil simultaneously.

I would also propose we expand on the use of Geo-thermal energy within this country. My first thought every time I hear of the "long overdue" eruption at Yellowstone National Park is, Why are we not taking advantage of such a huge ''possible'' source of energy which may avoid such a catastrophe?

We have been too reactionary in this country for too long, i.e. Hurricane Katrina. Let us begin to become pro-actionary and take advantage of the natural resources at our disposal instead of waiting for another catastrophe to occur.

My apologies for the lengthiness of this note. I am just so tired of seeing the United States viewed as a 'weakening' and 'dependent' force on the World stage.

Mr. Richard O. Harris

You may or may not agree but rest assured all feedback is welcome either way. Thanks for taking the time to read this and PLEASE vote if you do nothing else this year.

Friday, February 22, 2008

The Writer’s Choice

The Writer’s Choice
© February 22, 2008
Richard O. Harris

It seems simple it is the writer’s choice
Which words will best serve as a voice
To help readers the world all around
Relate most readily to those sounds.

For then each writer must assume
The reader’s able to hear the tune
Or, at least, have some empathy
For one the writer may never see.

The reader, of course, may be far or near
The writer too, if it’s that we want to hear.
Speaking will often lead to misunderstanding
So written choices are much more demanding.

While writers struggle to enter a mind
The reader may often feel left behind.
Forgetting words have several meanings
Can lead to choices full of gleanings.

The words the writer uses may be good
Yet can, by readers, be misunderstood.
A good example, is if the words say,
“I rode my bike to work today.”

One reader may think this means I rode a Schwinn
While, yet another, is thinking Harley Davidson.
Such a simple word to mean two different things
But such choices I call “Tower of Babel” labeling.

As they are read words can only be given meaning
Based on the readers choice of such determining.
For no matter what words chosen from the “Tower”,
It is the reader who must give them power.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Leap Year and Leap of Faith

Leap Year and Leap of Faith
© February 15, 2008
Richard O. Harris

As the Leap Year continues to unfold, I find my self having to take an even longer Leap of Faith that all will be, as it should. That is not to say things are going terribly bad. It just means they are not happening as I would have them do so or as soon as I would like them to happen.

Many obstacles remain in my path and but for those I suppose I would have nothing to complain about. Still, I try to hold on to the belief that relief is just the next moment away. As the saying goes, “don’t give up before the miracle”.

I am finding this month particularly difficult and can now understand a little better why it is the shortest one in the year. My depressions seem to worsen no matter what I try to do about them but I continue to pretend all is well. Perhaps it is the outward pretense that is seeing me through the worst of them now.

I do continue to see my psychiatrist who has suggested psychotherapy that I am happy to try. However, when I expressed my willingness to do so to him, his response was to advise me to decide what I want to work on in psychotherapy before I begin any sessions on a regular basis.

I am no rocket scientist but as I tried to explain to him, I am not sure where to start other than trying to understand and find ways to cope with my bipolar disorder. Of course, I have now received a diagnosis of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (from what I do not know) and Borderline Personality Disorder with Histrionic Features (basically meaning I have a long pattern of instability in my personal relationships which can interfere with my social or occupational functioning or cause extreme emotional distress that can be displayed in an excessively emotional or dramatic way). These diagnoses, added to my already existing ones only tend to confuse me even more (if that is not too dramatic – a little sarcasm here).

I will see him again next week and try to obtain a clearer understanding of where to begin. This past week or so has been difficult for me to find the coping skills needed to keep going but I somehow did it and will continue to do so as long as I can. Perhaps the most difficult part is understanding why this is happening to me – other than genetics.

With that said and done, I also had 18 teeth extracted last week (the last of my adult teeth) and have had dentures made that take some time learning to use. I return next week to have the dentures adjusted a little as the swelling of my gums has begun to recede. I must admit, the dentist did a great job on the dentures and I am much happier with my appearance when I am wearing them.

I also saw my neurologist this week and explained to him that though the neuropathy was becoming more painful I would rather not add any more medications or increase any dosages. I am tired of taking pills 4 times a day every day and wondering if the combination of the drugs is causing some of my difficulties. He agreed not to add or increase any medications at this time and that I may be right about the drug interactions.

The good news is I now have a cane so I do not fall down so much and can get outside a little more confidently every day. Even if it is just for a short walk (or wobble), getting out of the house is something I had been afraid to do when on my own for fear of falling. Also, though finances are tight, I will be able to access my 401k in May once my company has terminated me so I should be able to pay off some of my larger bills.

I continue to take those Leaps of Faith (fantastic adventures in trusting Him) that are necessary to see me through the fear (false events appearing real). I also believe the extra day this year will be a good one for all concerned. And though now labeled with MMIs (Multiple Mental Illnesses) maintain it is the rest of the world, not I, that is slowly developing stronger needs for intervention (just watch the daily news).

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