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Saturday, April 21, 2012

God's Good Grace

God's Good Grace
© October 31, 2011
Richard O. Harris

Many have said they can claim forgiveness
Just because they “believe” in Jesus.
This I am told assures them of Glory
And guarantees them an eternal story.

Yet, though I try, I am still a sinner
Not because I would not be a winner.
All my works may have been in vain,
For there are those I still cause pain.

Not meaning to do so, yet out of anger
I often place myself, by misdirection, in danger.
It is this that has made me realize this earthly space,
Will never allow me Heaven, only God's Good Grace.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Resolving and Evolving

Resolving and Evolving
© May 1, 2011
Richard O. Harris

When I go to receive the wages for my sins
I will leave this flesh I have been in
Yet I believe I will also continue to evolve

The twenty one grams of weight in difference
Between what we currently see and sense
To me seems to be something that involves

Faith or Facts we believe but have not seen
Neither science nor church know what it means
Maybe both are right and our evolution continues on

After all, twenty one grams can make quite a jewel
And the jewel maker has so many different tools
We must admit such a practice can continue for eons

Are we arrogant enough to believe we are the end of evolution
Or that religions have all the answers and solutions
Perhaps each has a piece of a multi-part puzzle of change

Personally, I choose to think we may have only 2 of the grams
That compose the puzzle leaving nineteen remaining yet to understand
And I hope to receive when my wages are paid and I reach that range.


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Why not use our National Oil Reserve Now?

Why not use our National Oil Reserve Now?
© April 26, 2011
Richard O. Harris

Perhaps I am confused, yet it seems to me less than a year or two ago (during the Gulf Oil Spill) there was a great deal of talk about using the National Oil Reserve to relieve prices at the pumps.  As stated on the site: Strategic Petroleum Oil Reserve exists, first and foremost, as an emergency response tool the President can use should the United States be confronted with an economically-threatening disruption in oil supplies.”  We are currently experiencing (not just seeing) $4 and $5 a gallon prices for gasoline at the pumps due to interruptions of oil supplies because of unrest in the mid-east (mainly OPEC countries). reports Barack Obama is “taking action”? Er, not really. He’s calling a task force together to look for abuse, which will do exactly nothing to lower gasoline prices. We need to expand domestic production and refining capacity in order to address the fundamentals of the instability of the fuel market. Until we do, we will continue to see prices fluctuate based on political unrest in producing countries, greater demand from developing industrial nations like China and India, and the lack of will to find our own resources and keep our own dollars in our own economy. 

Still, not a single news cast or report I have heard mentions using this readily available resource to assist in our current crisis.  Drilling, fracking, new energy sources I support with all of my being.  Still, common sense tells me these will take time to develop, time we as a nation may not have thanks to the decline of America Obama has already caused (impeach this man for unilaterally invovling the U. S. in the Libyan war, which is not a Presidential prerogative.)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Jameson Rodgers "Back Roads"

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